MacOS Sierra and ssh public key If ssh dsa key is used for password-less access to other boxes, it won't work in MacOS Sierra anymore. It's because: The problem is that DSA keys are obsolete after OpenSSH 7.0, which the new system 2016-09-22 Mac
Raspberry Pi 3 as Time machine The Raspberry Pi 3 + external 4TB drive setup, originally I tried to set it up as Plex server. And the CPU is just not powerful enough. I decided to convert it to a NAS for Time machine purpose. Follo 2016-08-18 Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi = Plex + NAS server update: So far the Raspberry Pi 3 is not powerful enough for me. It takes several minutes for a movie to start streaming a mp4 file to ATV in the same LAN. It just not good enough, yet. My mac is ge 2016-08-14 Raspberry Pi
Phidgets 1048 on OSX update: 2017/07/05 After update macos to high sierra, phigets driver needs to be reinstalled. With latest version of Roastmaster, you can use latest Phigets driver. I got the Phidgets 1048 temperature 2016-07-27 咖啡 > Mac
Aeropress 愛樂壓 創辦人演講 [youtube=] 重點: the longer you brew, the bitter it get. 泡越久就越苦。 水溫:中焙或深焙:175℉ (80℃);淺焙:185℉ (85℃)。 咖啡粉刻度:粗細依個人喜好(可細到expresso,或一般手沖刻度),建議e 2016-05-20 咖啡
El Capitan & Homebrew El Capitan just released. And surely we need to take care the upgrade for Homebrew. Check this out if you're not familiar with it. Here's the upgrade steps: update xcode to 7.0.1 install command li 2015-10-03 Mac
OSX Yosemite, NTFS Read & Write Upgrade to Yosemite will break NTFS R&W. Here's how to redo it: Requirement brew brew cask if you don't know or don't have brew, check this out: dotfiles Installation 1. Install a binary osxfuse 2015-05-28 Mac
RJ-45自製網路線 測線器,一個發射端,一個接收端,上面8顆燈號 發射端會依序打出信號 1~8號燈,然後看接收器 1~8號燈 有沒有亮。 沒亮 = 線材中間斷蕊 亮的燈號順序不對 = 壓頭蕊線顏色排列錯誤,重壓 Reference: 2015-02-03 DIY > IT
一加手機 大陸版改國際版 (ColorOS to CyanogenMod 11s) 一加手機的國際版很難買到,因此買大陸版的(型號A001,預設是ColorOS 1.2)回來再改。其實露天的賣家有提供免費的改機服務,但我就想自己玩玩。 爬了中外各大網站,大家都說很簡單,什麼免PC,直接用手機去CM下載,按住volume下鍵 + 電源鍵,直接用Recovery更新,我的就不work。最後還是用開發者的方法,使用Android SDK,直接flash到CM11s。 準備 一台PC, 2014-09-18 DIY #Android #一加手機
糙薏仁 (a.k.a. 紅薏仁) 薏仁又稱薏苡仁、苡米。從營養學觀點來看,薏仁的蛋白質(13~16%)及脂肪含量(4~11%)豐富,尤其胚乳部份蛋白質更可高達16.2%,比小麥多2%左右。 台北市立聯合醫院和平婦幼院區營養師李貞慧表示,薏仁的碳水化合物含量在60%左右,且有豐富的膳食纖維;熱量每100公克高達370~420卡,高於白米的350卡及小麥的335卡。此外,薏仁還含有多量的維生素B1、B6、鐵質與鈣質,營養價值頗高。 在 2014-08-16 生活知識