Code Complete, Second Edition
Last updated on August 24, 2024 am
(Paperback - June 2004)
by "Developing computer software can be a complicated process, and in the last 25 years, researchers have identified numerous distinct activities that go into software development..." (more)
Editorial Reviews
For this second edition of a practical guide to programming, McConnell, a software engineer, describes new practices and offers hundreds of new code samples illustrating software construction. Capturing the body of knowledge available from research, academia, and everyday commercial practice, he synthesizes techniques and principles for programmers of every experience level, development environment, or project size. Material is in sections on laying the foundation, creating high-quality code, variables, statements, code improvements, system considerations, and software craftsmanship. Numerous tips, key points, and checklists are included.Copyright © 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Product Description:
For more than a decade, Steve McConnell, one of the premier authors and voices in the software community, has helped change the way developers write code--and produce better software. Now his classic book, CODE COMPLETE, has been fully updated and revised with best practices in the art and science of constructing software. Whether you're a new developer seeking a sound introduction to the practice of software development or a veteran exploring strategic new approaches to problem solving, you'll find a wealth of practical suggestions and methods for strengthening your skills. Topics include design, applying good techniques to construction, eliminating errors, planning, managing construction activities, and relating personal character to superior software. This new edition features fully updated information on programming techniques, including the emergence of Web-style programming, and integrated coverage of object-oriented design. You'll also find new code examples--both good and bad--in C++, Microsoft(r) Visual Basic(r), C#, and Java, though the focus is squarely on techniques and practices.